I lived in Milano and Mandello del Lario, Italy from 1989-2005 and I'm fluent in Italian. I lived in Spain in 1976, 80-81 and 86-87 and am fluent in Spanish, fluent in Catalan from two years in Barcelona and reasonably fluent in French from two summers in the south of France and reading the Parisian newspaper Le Temps from 1934-47 for research and lots of French history books in French.
My Russian, Latvian, Portuguese and German are just conversational to varying degrees.
Visione TV is a neofascist antivaxx disinformation network. Not worth my time or yours.
If you view dissidents, the Institute for the Study of War, Michael Kofman, Kamil Galeev, Sergej Sumlenny, Nadin Brzezennski and Rob Lee as "biased" and RT as not, I'll leave you to your reality distortion field, which is best described by the Russian Brit Peter Pomerantsev in Nothing is True and Everything is Possible. You're just another part of the anti-intellectual contempt for expertise and facts that brought us Brexit and Michael Gove's "people have had enough of experts" idiocy, Trump, QAnon, Bolsonaro, Duterte, Orban, Salvini, Meloni, etc. I lived in Mandello during Bossi's 1996 "Padania" secession comedy and know this Leghista idiocy intimately. Just another case of la madre degli scemi e sempre incinta.
If you want to know what's happening on the ground listen to Russian soldiers' intercepted calls: https://www.youtube.com/@insightsfromukraineandrussia/videos
I have army veteran Ukrainian, American and British contacts in Ukraine who keep me informed. They include a Ukrainian tech startup founder who taught military history at West Point, a British retired military attache who served in Belfast in the early '70s and advised the Ukrainian MoD on institutional transformation for six years and a Ukrainian who organized 500 people in the territorial defense of a network of nine towns 9 km NW of Kyiv.
The list of towns the Russians have captured 3-5 or more times is very long.