"I don’t know which side is good or bad. I don’t know which side I want to win. I don’t know which side represents what."
Really? After the mass graves of Bucha? Irpin? Izyum? Thousands of kidnapped and deported Ukrainian children? 600 dead in the bombed theater in Mariupol?
Pavel Gubarev, Medvedev and Timofey Sergeytsev promising mass purges and extermination of Ukrainians? https://www.justsecurity.org/81789/russias-eliminationist-rhetoric-against-ukraine-a-collection/
You remain continually deaf to Russia's multiple announcements of genocidal intent. This is as astonishing as it is morally blinkered Russian useful idiocy. It's the geopolitical equivalent of taking hydroxichloroquine and bleach for COVID.
You keep trying to order "none of the above" when it's not on the menu in the geopolitics restaurant, just as it wasn't on June 23, 1941.
The idea that Ukraine's existence and sovereignty is contingent and "negotiable" is a neo-colonial Putinist Trojan horse at the center of this faux peacenik appeasement.
Ukrainians know that a frozen conflict from a premature ceasefire just allows Russia to regroup and rearm.
Here's a simple fact you can't get down: if Russia stops fighting, the war ends. If Ukraine stops fighting, Ukraine ceases to exist and Russia gets to carry out its genocidal promises proclaimed by Medvedev, Sergeytsev, Gubarev, Strelkov, etc.
Rewarding Russian aggression and violation of the Budapest Memorandum will also nullify the non-proliferation efforts of the last 30 years of post-Soviet history. Feel like seeing 10-20 more nuclear armed states? Didn't think so.
Feel like seeing Russia invoking its "right to protect" Russian speakers as Russians in Estonia and Latvia to extend its borders to these NATO member states, which would trigger a direct NATO-Russia conflict?
It's Russia's land-based colonial empire, not Ukraine, that's contingent, negotiable and destined for the dustbin of history in our post-1918 age of empire demolition.
"never found an exception to this rule":
You would have negotiated peace with Nazi Germany and Bushido Japan in 1944?
Negotiated peace with the confederate delegates Lincoln met with in February 1865?