I didn't use the racist all lives matter. Putting words in the mouth of who you're debating isn't a legitimate form of argument.
Identity is no substitute for historical knowledge in comparing different varieties of our planet's history of exclusion and enslavement by race, religion, nation and ethnicity, language. Canada is different from America because its history doesn't include Black Codes, a KKK, an epidemic of lynchings replete with picnics and post cards, confederate statues deployed as a form racial-cultural terror. Not all racisms, discriminatory practices and genocides are the same. Examples:
1. The most efficient genocide in modern history wasn't about race: the black on black Hutu-Tutsi Rwanda genocide in 1994 that killed 800000 people in 90 days. The difference between Hutu and Tutsi was neither racial, religious nor linguistic. Blame Belgian divide and rule.
2. The continued existence of black on black enslavement in Mali, Mauritania and Niger.
3. Zulu-Xhosa warfare in South Africa in the 1990s.
4. Arab on black slavery that continues to this day.
5. Russia's white on white genocidal war on Ukraine isn't about race or even language.
6. India's caste system that Caste author Isabel Wilkerson found to be so similar to America's codified and uncodified racial caste system that has no counterpart in Canada.
The emotional satisfactions of resentment often impede analysis and understanding and throw different phenomena into the same bucket.