I always argued with my late father who said, "we are guests in this country." (the US). I told him he needed to take the ghetto his father was born into out of his head. Now he's becoming more right.
Allowing emotions to supersede intellect and analysis is now an unaffordable luxury.
In responding to Hamas' and Russia's useful idiots I deploy evidence, irony (Swiftian where possible) and humor. Contempt for evidence-free idiocy coming out of emirate of Whataboutistan is a dish best served cold.
LBJ and the German socialists August Bebel and Ferdinand Kronawetter both diagnosed the disinformation populism problem that drove the beneficiaries of social democracy to vote to cut the taxes of their bosses:
"President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."
Bebel and Kronawetter: "anti-semitism is the socialism of fools."
Jews, the oldest surviving indigenous people on earth with a written history, are the eternal other and weather vane of societal decay. We attract the ire of angry cowards who'd never dare attack their strong enemies (oligarchs, Tsars, police, the army), but to gain the psychic wages of spurious dominance won't hesitate to attack their weak ones to avoid looking in the mirror to find the source of state failure and corrupt misgovernment.
Plague? Jews poisoned the wells.
Crash and depression? Jewish bankers.
Sit-down strikes and occupied factories? Jewish Bolsheviks.
Breakdown of geopolitical order? Jewish state's fault.
US support for Israel? Jewish money and control of the media.
Jewish wealth and power? It's a conspiracy wielding hidden power, not merit (read the Protocols).
Jews poor and powerless? Deserved because they failed to assimilate and become like us.