How do you explain the police arresting the parents of the raped girls instead of the gangs?
How do you explain Jess Philips downplaying the mass sexual assaults in Cologne on new year's eve 2016?:
It's not fascism to talk about the sexual sickness in the Muslim world that demands nothing of men and everything of women, as Algerian novelist Kamel Daoud did in 2016:
“In some of Allah’s lands, the war on women and on couples has the air of an inquisition. During the summer in Algeria, brigades of Salafists and local youths worked up by the speeches of radical imams and Islamist TV preachers go out to monitor female bodies, especially those of women bathers at the beach. The police hound couples, even married ones, in public spaces. Gardens are off-limits to strolling lovers. Benches are sawed in half to prevent people from sitting close together.”
"So what does the evidence say about the ethnicity of members of grooming gangs who sexually exploit children? In her independent review of the Rotherham case, published in 2014, Prof Alexis Jay concluded that the majority of "known perpetrators were of Pakistani heritage" including five men convicted in 2010.
Greater Manchester Police identified the men convicted at the trial in the Rochdale abuse scandal in February 2012 as British Pakistani.
The Telford abusers were men of "southern Asian heritage", according to anindependent inquiry carried out into the case.
These reviews also mention concerns among police and social services teams that if they pursued groups of non-white offenders they might be accused of racism."
Are Musk and Tommy Robinson bigots? Absolutely.
Did the woke mind virus that invented the Islamophobia scam and infected police and social service agencies betray the victims and their families? Equally absolutely.
Not all cultures treat children and women equally well. The Muslim world has a child marriage and sexual abuse problem and a problem with sexual prohibitionism. It should not be forbidden to say this since that world's secular dissidents also say so.