History and diplomatic negotiations should be separate. But at Camp David in 2000 the Palestinian negotiating team insisted on including a memorandum denying the existence of the Temple Mount and the historic Jewish connection to the land of Israel (https://medium.com/lessons-from-history/palestine-israel-slogan-demolition-in-nine-minutes-59eb99f88836):
“(Arafat’s negotiating team’s) memo specifically clarified that the return the Palestinians demand is to “‘their homes,’ wherever located — not to their ‘homeland’ or to ‘historic Palestine.’” The memo further…rejected defining the new Palestinian state as “the homeland of the Palestinian people” because “this nullifies the right of return.” Finally, the memo enshrined the Palestinian rejection that a Jewish Temple ever existed: “In the first formulation regarding the Haram, accepting that the Western Wall is a part of either ‘the space sacred to Judaism’ or ‘the Holy of Holies’ will amount to implicit recognition that the Temple lies under the Haram.” (https://honestreporting.com/in-depth-arafat-rejected-peace-in-2000/)
"strong national identity": Pure nonsense. I've already written multiple times about the purely invented nature of Palestinian national identity openly proclaimed by PLO leaders Arafat and Zuheir Mohsen. And remember King Hussein: "Jordan is Palestine and Palestine is Jordan".
Hamas leaders have already said the same--that Egyptians, Jordanians, Lebanese, Saudis and Syrians are the same Islamic people.
In the 1930s Palestinian meant Jews. Anti-semites in Brooklyn would tell my father "Jewboy go back to Palestine".
Watch Dr. Einat Wilf: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1ku4cE_e4U&t=2544s
Ernest Bevin is still right: the Jews' #1 priority is to build a state. The Arabs' #1 priority is that the Jews not have a state.
Palestinian peace activist Bassam Eid has already made this clear: https://www.newsweek.com/my-fellow-palestinians-its-time-get-rid-our-leaders-accept-israels-offers-peace-opinion-1864654
You're engaging in what Dr. Wilf calls "westsplaining", explaining away what the Arabs have been saying with exquisite clarity for more than a century. Bevin listened, while you do not.