"historical decline": Anti-semitic incidents in London up by 1350%. In NY +350%. Similar figures worldwide.
"humanitarian aid": Since Hamas' political wing spokesman Abu Marzouk said the aid is for the fighters first. What's left over can go to the civilian population. Israel has no obligation to supply Hamas, which has already shot one boy who tried to take some of the food aid to his family. Marzouk said any attempt by the civilians of Gaza to take the food and fuel aid for themselves would be met with "full force." https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/the-fire-hose-and-the-trickle-humanitarian-aid-to-the-population-of-gaza/ar-AA1mporM
"just as bad as Hamas": This is odious moral equivalence. I recall necrophilic rape, burning alive and beheadings by settlers. I recall no breathlessly joyous calls on WhatsApp by settler killers, "Dad, I just killed 10 Arabs with my own hands." Even the Nazis tried to hide their murders. Hamas advertises its murders and their sadistic delirium with collective
narcissistic joy.
Your point (2): Half of them can't even name the river in their "from the river to the sea chants". The woke mind virus and its oppressor-oppressed binary has completely captured their illiterate and ignorant brains.
"Essential facts": If you don't include Zuheir Mohsen's 1977 De Trouw interview that the "Palestinians" are a completely invented nationality existing only for tactical reasons, you've missed the point.
Simlarly, if you don't include Ernest Bevin's point about the essence of the conflict, you've missed the point:
"The refusal on the part of the international community to engage these simple truths is telling. In 1947, British Foreign Minister Ernst Bevin summarized the essence of the conflict in the British Mandate territory as boiling down to the fact that the Jews want a state in the land, and the Arabs want the Jews not to have a state in the land. He has only been proven right ever since. More than the Palestinians wanted a state for themselves, they still want the Jewish people not to have their own state in the land, in any borders.
And as long as the price of having a Palestinian Arab state in the land was going to be that the Jewish people would have their own state in the land as well, the answer was going to be no, no and — to quote Abu Mazen — “a thousand times no.” https://forward.com/opinion/451763/the-real-killer-of-the-two-state-solution-the-palestinian-right-of-return/
Palestinian peace activist Bassam Eid agrees, having said that "we Palestinians are good destroyers, not builders." That 2.1m Israeli Arabs have overwhelmingly sided with the democratic state they're equal citizens of while Abu Marzouk and his fellow gangster kleptocrats called on them to join Hamas in killing Jews, shows how deluded the Palestinians are.
Dr. Einat Wilf's systematically demolishes the Palestinians' delusion that the 1948 issue is still open and that they can return with their unique inherited refugee status to their pre-partition homes and land. Dr. Wilf likens this to Japan's Bushido delusions of empire that defeat destroyed. She cites John Dower's Pulitzer-winning "Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of WWII" to convey the scale and scope of the delusion demolition job to be undertaken if a two state solution is to succeed:
Essentially, we must prove Bevin wrong.