Hey Tony,
In your previous reply you advised waiting a bit. I did and the verdict on MPP earnings is in: it's a penny/minute of reading time or lower, penalizing writers of quality well-researched long form articles that get fewer but longer views.
Here's the link to the earnings data on my latest August-published article: https://medium.com/me/stats/post/12f47b86658b
August 9: $.78 for 3h17m
August 8: $2.52 for 3h37m
August 7: $2.70 for 4h10m
August 6: $3.46 for 4h58m
$9.56 for 16h22m.
Previously this article would have earned about $25-26. Drop in earnings: 60%+
Previously I consistently earned about $1.60/reading hour.
If all the writers who publish quality research about Russia's Ukraine war leave Medium for Substack and elsewhere, that would turn it essentially into a Russified disinformation platform. I hope this isn't what you want.