Here's a brief history of Islam's Koranically mandated apartheid oppression of the Muslim world's Jews during 1400 years of extortionate jizya, pogrom terror, child kidnapping (in Yemen), legal subordination and demography demolition:
There was peace between Muslims and Jews in dhimmitude like there was peace for blacks in the American South from 1865-1965. It was often better than medieval Europe. But that's setting a very low bar. Your ignorance of this reality is total.
I suppose you don't view October 7's orgy of sadistic murder, rape and pillage as escalation.
Know this: the era of killing Jews without consequences is over forever.
Here's an example: during the first Gulf War when Saddam's scuds were raining down on Israel a Financial Times correspondent asked a "high government official" (code for the PM or defense minister) how Israel might react if one of the scuds had a lethal chemical weapon on it. The reply: "the gassing of Jews again in this century would invite the return of Baghdad to the status of desert."
Saddam got the message and no scud carried a chemical weapon. This is how the world works.
In January 1943 at Casablanca FDR declared Allied war aims: "unconditional surrender" of the Axis powers. Israel has implicitly, though not explicitly, said the same to Hamas. I agree with this policy because nothing less is required to kill a malignant ideology like the American South's belief in slavery, Japanese Bushido, Nazism or Hamas' genocidal covenant. FDR understood that General "Unconditional Surrender" Grant at Vicksburg was right. You've presented no coherent argument for reaching a political result that equals what we got with the first three of these malignant genocidal ideologies. Hamas' is just the latest version of the same thing.