Here's a better idea: index tax rates to the Gini Coefficient, both companies' internal Gini and the overall economy's Gini:
Reverse the trend toward increased inequality by embedding the policy outcome in the tax system: index the tax rates of those who benefit from startup unicorns/IPOs and central bank policy driven asset bubbles to the gini coefficient. Lower income taxes on the top 2-3% income tranches if the gini coefficient drops, raise them if the gini coefficient rises. Embed the indexation in tax accounting software packages like Turbo Tax so indexation by gini coefficient becomes a fait accompli that doesn't create an annual political argument. Frame it as a purely technical change that's a two way street. Lower inequality will lower corporate and high net worth individual tax rates. This idea is the reverse of the usual fiscal policy idea: it's outcome-driven and easy to implement. Nobody across the political spectrum says openly he's in favor of more inequality. This policy idea would force its opponents into looking like they favor increased inequality.
I'd appreciate hearing your thoughts on this idea.
Aphorism from my late father's multimillionaire friend: "I like paying taxes. Paying taxes means I made money."