Disciplines where the Japanese have never applied Shu Ha Ri:
1. Public finances. Highest debt to GDP ratio of any rich nation. The BoJ is the JGB market.
2. Corruption driven addiction to bridges to nowhere and other useless public infrastructure.
3. Zombie company habit, keeping dead man walking 🧟♀️ banks, construction and other companies alive. Part of a systemic neo-feudal top down seniority based structure of accountability avoidance that extends to...
4. Systemic amnesia about recent Japanese history, from veneration of class A war criminals at Yasukuni to Rape of Nanjing War crimes denialism to Unit 731 experiments on prisoners to denial of the truth about and compensation for Korean sex slaves euphemistically called "comfort women " to textbook censorship Ron DeSantis would envy to
5. Face saving top down seniority driven accountability avoidance suppression of improvisation yielded defeat at Midway in 12 minutes by bottom up fly by the seat of your pants Americans. Applying Shu Ha Ri to all disciplines except for the management of the state and the corporate sector yielded an entire generation of economic stagnation, demographic implosion, persistent gender inequality, busted gender relations and rampant depression, hopelessness and sexless lives among young men.
A suggestion: shift Shu Ha Ri from sushi to state and corporate governance to generate the kind of massive hierarchy busting transformation Japan experienced in Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of WWII (John Dower).
I co-taught a US history course in Riga Business School with a Japanese woman who fled the system by getting a PhD in American literature in Buffalo and marrying a Latvian economist. We talk about this every time we meet in Riga and she agrees with all the foregoing points.