Cutting apart your evidence-free argument is as easy as Peter the Great snipping his Boyars’ beards:
a) Putin losing Crimea is a forecast. Crimea has been Russian “forever” only since Stalin deported the Crimean Tatars in May 1944. The Crimean Tatars were the only group of ethnic deportees NOT permitted to return after Khruschev denounced Stalin’s crimes in 1956.
b) Guerrilla warfare in Spain and Portugal aided and financed by Britain from 1808–14 tied down 250000 French troops not available to the Grande Armee’s Russian invasion. Russia’s other western alliances are described in Alexander I’s Wikipedia page:
And Alexander’s Minister of War who reformed the Russian military was the Baltic German-Scottish baron Michael Barclay de Tolly. Western alliances and personnel were as key to Russian victory against Napoleon as they were to the Soviet victory against Germany.
c) Reread Stalin’s toast to American war production. Here’s by the numbers Reply to Russian Great Patriotic War Myths from my WWII Mythbusting Tour series: :
2/3: Proportion of the trucks, radios, jeeps, new railroad ties supplied to the Red Army. The American Mustangs used in Operation Bagration were American-sourced war materiel. At the Teheran meeting in November 1943 Stalin raised his glass in a toast to American war production, “without which the war could not be won.”
400000: The number of troops Stalin moved from the Amur River in the Soviet Far East to the gates of Moscow after Richard Sorge, the Soviet spy in the Germany embassy in Tokyo, proved in October 1941 that the Japanese planned to attack Pearl Harbor and western allies’ imperial possessions in the Pacific and not go north into Siberia.
33.08%: Share of Luftwaffe aircraft shot down on the eastern front until 1/1/1944. (
75%, 79%, 81%: Share of Luftwaffe aircraft lost over Germany in the last quarter of 1943, first quarter of 1944 and second quarter of 1944. Soviet air superiority on the eastern front was guaranteed by the Anglo-Americans putting targets over Germany, the only second front that counted before June 6, 1944.
.0537: “Historian Gröhler in “Stärke, Verteilung und Verluste der deutschen Luftwaffe im zweiten Weltkrieg” gives for the Eastern front in 1944 0,00703 losses per sortie with the equivalent number in the West being 0.0537. Usually a loss rate over 5% means an airforce cannot continue to operate efficiently. On the other hand a rate of ~1% in 1944 when the Soviet airforce had such a quantitative advantage is very low. It definitely doesn’t paint a very good picture of the Soviet pilots.” (
Again, putting bomber targets to be shot at over Germany removed the Luftwaffe from the eastern front, whether the bombings succeeded or failed to substantially impair German war production. Western airmen kept the Luftwaffe off the back of the Red Army. Western allies invading Italy and Operation Mincemeat diverting German armies to stop an allied invasion of Greece that never happened kept them out of the Battle of Kursk.