Criticizing, satirizing, ridiculing any religious ideology is protected free speech. You can publish all the cartoons about Judaism you want. Same for Islam and Mohammed cartoons published by Charlie Hebdo and Jutlands Poste. All ok.
What isn't ok: Jews called sons of apes and pigs. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are true.
Jews use the blood of gentile children to make matzoh. The genocidal slogan of "from the river to the sea", now banned in Germany and Austria.
"wife-beating": Here's the data from The Lancet's 2018 survey of 1.767m women worldwide and numbers don't lie:
% of North American women experiencing intimate partner violence: Lifetime: 25%, the past year: 6%.
MENA: 31%/16%, western sub-Saharan Africa: 27%/15%, eastern sub-Saharan Africa: 38%/24%, central sub-Saharan Africa: 44%/32%, western Europe: 20%/5%, central Europe: 16%/5%, eastern Europe: 21%/7% (skewed by Russia).
"honor killing": It predates Islam and is practiced in Hindu, Sikh and Muslim societies. It was prevalent in Christian Sicily and southern Italy. But secular governments stamped it out. So the question is, which Muslim states have ratified the Istanbul Convention honor killing?
Erdogan took Turkiye out of the IC, increasing honor killing in Turkiye.
"Hijab"--Iranian women disagree and the government's police has killed and raped them by the hundreds for doing so.
In 1989 I travelled around Jogjakarta and Borobudur with an Islamic law student who taught me Bahasaindonesia while I taught him English. When i asked him about the Iranian theocracy he said, "that's not Islam, that's just fanatacism."
Your emigration: you're the outlier. Almost no westerners migrate to Muslim countries except for the oil-soaked Gulf monarchies who hire expat professionals to run their hotels and asset mgrs.
The migratory flow is out of Islam to the secular west: Why? Muslim states' avg GDP per capita (excluding Gulf monarchies): $5000. EU in 2022: $37433. People follow money.
"don't agree these acts should be legal": Get your religion out of others' bedrooms, period, full stop. If your religion prevents you from accepting gays as full citizens, your religion, not they, are the problem.
Holocaust denial: Here's the data from a survey in over 100 countries:
Only 54 percent of the world's population has heard of the Holocaust.
54 percent.
This is the most staggering statistic in a new survey by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of more than 53,000 people in over 100 countries, conducted by First International Resources. But that figure speaks to only those who have heard of it: Only a third of the world's population believe the genocide has been accurately described in historical accounts. Some said they thought the number of people who died has been exaggerated; others said they believe it's a myth. Thirty percent of respondents said it's probably true that "Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust."
Seventy years after the liberation of Auschwitz, two-thirds of the world's population don't know the Holocaust happened—or they deny it.
These beliefs follow some unexpected patterns, too. The Middle East and North Africa had the largest percentage of doubters, with only 8 percent of respondents reporting that they had heard of the genocide and believed descriptions of it were accurate. But only 12 percent of respondents in sub-Saharan Africa said the same, and only 23 percent in Asia. People in these groups were likely to say they believed the number of deaths has been exaggerated—just over half of Middle Easterners and a third of Asians and Africans think the body count has been distorted over time.
Anti-Defamation League
When the data is sliced by religious groups, the results are even more surprising: Hindus were most likely to believe that the number of Holocaust deaths has been exaggerated. Muslims followed closely, and those two groups were distantly trailed by Christians, Buddhists, and those with no religion. In no coincidence, Hindus and Muslims were also significantly less likely to have heard of the Holocaust.
In almost every religious group, people younger than 65 were much more likely to say they believe that facts about the Holocaust have been distorted, and they were less likely to know what the Holocaust is.
Percent Who Have Heard of the Holocaust
Anti-Defamation League
Percent of Who Believe Facts About the Holocaust Have Been Distorted, by Age and Religious Group
Anti-Defamation League
The report by the ADL, a Jewish NGO that campaigns against anti-Semitism and discrimination, also covers the prevalence of other anti-Semitic attitudes, including beliefs about Jews' allegiance to Israel, influence in media and business, and likeability. Although the prevalence of Holocaust ignorance and denial was just one small aspect of the survey, it illuminates a powerful fact: As the memory of the genocide grows fainter, attitudes toward Jews—and Israel—are changing. The fate of the Jewish people in the twentieth century was largely centered around the Holocaust: the anti-Semitism that facilitated it, the loss it wrought, and the reflection it prompted. As that history becomes more distant, it's unclear what will animate the Jewish community—and attitudes toward it—moving forward.
Depressingly, the study does hint at the way most people get their information about Jews and the Holocaust today:
Anti-Defamation League
Emma Green is a staff writer at The New Yorker. Previously, she was a staff writer at The Atlantic, covering politics, policy, and religion.