Continue the truce until all the hostages return home. Then the US, Qatar, Saudi, Kuwait, the UAE, Bahrain persuade Israel not to renew the war by offering to finance for the Gazan people a $100bn Marshall Plan to rebuild Gaza that will start right AFTER they kick out and disarm Hamas. Put a couple of ships with construction equipment and materials offshore to show they mean it. The ships unload the first cargo after a provisional Gazan govt signs a surrender and peace treaty (salaam, not hudna) with Israel that recognizes its existence as a sovereign Jewish state. Israel then releases all Arab prisoners and recognizes Gaza as a demilitarized city state administered by a local SECULAR city council supervised during the rebuilding period by the six powers financing and supervising the rebuilding. Gaza will gain independence after five years of peaceful rebuilding. Any act of terror against Israel or Jews abroad by any anti-treaty Gazans resets the independence calendar back to zero. If Gazans want independence they should study how well behaved the Japanese were from 1945-51.
Give Gazans jobs rebuilding the kibbutzim and villages Hamas destroyed.
Part of the supervision, which should resemble how the US de-Nazified Germany and remade Japan after 1945, includes:
A total ban on political Islamist propaganda like the genocidal propaganda on children's TV shows we see now on and,
Make Palestinian peace activist Bassam Eid and Son of Hamas' co-founder, Mosab Hassan Yousef Minister of Education and the CEO of Gazan TV.
Ban the Muslim Brotherhood with Egypt enforcing the ban.
Put UNRWA and its collusion with all that genocidal propaganda out of business.
Remove the legal category of inheritable refugee status, which only Arab refugees have had, from all Gazans. They have no more right to be called refugees than the grandchildren of East Prussians, Sudetenlanders and Silesians living in Munich and Stuttgart.
A mandate to staff every govt agency with 50% women with pay equal to men.
All Koranically mandated gender inequality laws Hamas passed repealed.
FGM banned with strict enforcement.
Imams supervised like Napoleon did with the Catholic church.
And make Bernard Lewis' What Went Wrong?: the Clash Between Islam and Modernity in the Middle East and Zuher Mohsein's 1977 De Trouw interview required reading in every college and high school.
Peace without post-WWII style tough love will never happen.
Now that that’s settled you can stop singling out Jews for special double standard condemnation and write about Muslim on Muslim atrocities, where the killing of civilians, unlike with the IDF, is overtly intentional:
“A minimum of 5.6 million people have been driven from their homes, a further 25 million need aid and some 9,000 have been killed in Sudan since the latest conflict began earlier this year, according to the U.N. The situation gets worse daily, with increasing credible reports of ethnically based attacks and rape of women and children. Yet Sudan is literally the forgotten war.
“An Arab paramilitary group is carrying out a genocide in Sudan with mass killings of minorities and corpses spread across streets,” Richard Goldberg, of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told Fox News Digital.
There’s little media coverage, and relief agencies battle to get into the world’s spotlight so they can supplement funds, which at the same time are diminishing. The World Food Program (WFP) has delivered food to over 3 million people in Sudan “in very difficult circumstances” since the start of the conflict. A WFP spokesperson told Fox News Digital, “Our humanitarian dollar is being stretched to the breaking point. Across the board, the gulf between humanitarian needs and funding available to respond has grown steadily.”
Upwards of 6 million people have been ripped from their homes — but reportedly not even 600 have demonstrated against the atrocities in Sudan. Goldberg, who was also a member of former President Donald Trump’s National Security Council, pointed out this contrast with the massive protests engulfing Europe and parts of the U.S. over the war in Gaza.
“There’s no mob outside the White House to stop the indiscriminate killing of thousands in Sudan,” said Goldberg. “These extremists only seem to get agitated by Jews who lawfully defend themselves from further mass slaughter,” he said.”