Because the faux-peacenik Russian disinformation your articles and Code Pinko peddle is far more dangerous than Nick Fuentes' and MTG's AFPAC fascists chanting Putin! Putin!
Genocide apologia is expected from the xenophobic right, but not from the warm and cuddly anti-interventionist left.
Those reading your only apparently well-intentioned soft and cuddly appeasement advocacy cross-dressing as negotiation advocacy don't have the knowledge of Russian history they need to see through your recidivist lying. And you never, ever take responsibility for parroting Russian ethnonationalist mythology and previously erroneous forecasts, consistently repeating nonsense like this:
1. "Russia has existed for 1000 years."--Russian ethnonationalist myth peddled by Putin's July 2021 genocidal screed.
2. "Russia has 1000 years of institutional knowledge of war"--Moscow didn't exist 1000 years ago. Kyiv wasn't Russian. Russia as the third Rome is ethnonationalist myth.
3. The blame NATO for the war: NATO isn't mentioned in Putin's 7/2021 screed. Finland joined and....not a peep from Russia. Russia's Ukraine erasure project predates western behavior by 3 centuries. NATO's Article 5 is triggered only if a member state is attacked. It cannot be triggered if the member state starts a war.
4. The escalation mantra: The sum total of changed Russian tactics and military decisions changed by western restrain is a very simple number: zero.
5. Ukraine as pawn that has no agency: pure neo-imperial, neo-colonial bigotry that has a very long history at the center of both Germany’s and Russia’s imperial ambitions for the last three centuries. Your ahistorical illiterate ignorance of Russian bigotry about Ukrainians as “Little Russian“ muzhiki and kholki causes you to repeat it without knowing you’re doing it.
6. Ukraine can't win followed by Ukraine winning is too dangerous: Classic bothways-ism whose contradictions you ignore.
7. Unconditional negotiations: This repeats the neo-imperial prejudice that Ukraine's sovereignty is by nature contingent and negotiable and ignores Russia's stance stated by Lavrov the Laughable Liar: accept the annexations as the premise for negotiations.
8. The moral equivalence lie despite the tsunami of genocidal rhetoric and war crimes Russia has engaged in, which you never, ever mention. Lies by omission.
9. The ahistorical and ignorant geopolitical conflict as therapy fallacy treatable by your customer service empathy skill set. Populist anti intellectual contempt for knowledge, history and context at its finest. Exactly the kind of idiocracy that gave us Brexit, Bolsonaro, Trump, Orban, LePen, Salvini-Meloni, Duterte, AfD, tiki torched Tucker, MTG.....
10. The sanctions aren't working, Russia getting stronger fallacy, as if they were fast food. You ignore Oleg Deripaska's forecast that Russia will exhaust foreign reserves by the end of 2023, the 46% decrease in oil revenue and selling below break even to defautingAfrican buyers and blackmarketmiddlemen, Russia's 8-12$bn monthly drawdown on its sovereign wealth fund......
I could list 20 more lies of commission and omission you've peddled. But I'll just wait until your next article.