As there are 15m Jews in the world, your personal experience of us would inevitably be irrelevant sampling error. Similarly, condluging from my limited personal experience of rural American truckers from hitching and driving across America in 1975, 1979 and 1981 that they're all anti-semitic would also be sampling error.
But you, as a sample of one, are clearly infected with the Jew hatred virus the German Socialists August Bebel and Ferdinand Kronawetter called "the socialism of fools" in attributing anti-semitism to Jewish behavior.
When Arabs were ethnically cleansing and pogroming Jews and Jewish settlements in 1517, 1832, 1834, 1920, 1929, 1936, 1939, 1941, 1947, there was no occupation, no Israel, no IDF, no Mossad, no Shin Bet. But Nazi-allied Arab leaders like Amin Ali-Husseini and Azzam Pasha still acted out their own versions of Hamas' and Fatah's genocidal charter. British foreign secretary Ernest Bevin explained why in February 1947 when he handed the "irreconcilable" conflict to the UN: "the Jews' #1 priority is to build a state. The Arabs' #1 priority is that the Jews not have a state." That's it, that's the conflict in a nutshell. Nothing has changed since.
But don't take it from me. Ask Palestinian peace activist Bassam Eid:
And trotting out the self-hating modern version of the court Jew Kline is a classic part of the anti-semite's strategy. It's just more proof that
Dr. Einat Wilf, peace camp Labor Party member and a veteran Barak and Olmert era negotiator with the Palestinians, is right when she describes the thought process at work in rehabbing old style Jew hatred as anti-Zionism and how it's an indicator of decay of the political system and society that allows it to spread:
It is the only hatred that is:
1. Planetary.
2. Doesn't require the presence of its target. Read The Jews in the Japanese Mind (1995)
3. Is a conspiracy theory of how hidden financial and political power in the world works while blaming its target for the bigot's hatred.
4. Unlike most bigotries, views its target as exercising superior power, and not as inferior.
5. Is a shape-shifter that has Jews act as stand-ins for whatever is viewed as most evil in the world at that time and place: in a theocratic era as Christ-killers in the middle ages, race polluting vermin for the Nazis and a race-obsessed West in the 19th and 20th centuries (and Trump) and white settler colonizers in a guilt-obsessed culturally suicidal West even though 60% of Israelis are the descendants of 850000 Mizrahi Jews expelled and expropriated from Arab countries no whiter than their Arab neighbors.
Anti-semitism no longer presentable and too indecorous to express directly? Rebrand it as anti-Zionism and throw in a recycled version of the old Nazi argument that Jews have the wrong racial stock, now called DNA, to be eligible for sovereignty.
Whatever angers you, Jews supply the target: bankers, Bolsheviks, media manipulators, realpolitik hypocrites, which leads into your practice of what the International Holocaust Remembrance Association calls double standards anti-semitism. This version condemns Israel for doing what every other state does and explains Jew hatred by pointing to behavior done by all states:
Are all Chinese hated because China sells weapons to Burma to murder Rohingya and Uighurs? Nope.
Are all Swedes hated by Muslims because Sweden sells weapons to India to kill Kashmiri separatists? Nope.
Are all Russians hatred because of Wagner mercendaries committing mass murder in the CAF, Burkina Faso, Mozambique and Sudan? Nope.
If you're writing about Jews and Israel and not about Sudan (300k dead), Syria (1/2m dead), Yemen, Kurdistan and Iran's mass murder and rape of its protesting women, you're failing the double standards demolition test.
Your map is a lie since most of the land in green was public land, not privately owned by Arabs. It also ignores that Britain detached 78% of mandatory Palestine east of the Jordan and arbitrarily gave it to the Arabs, calling it Transjordan. The 1947 partition plan involved only the last 22%. The Arabs' ethnic cleansing of Jewish settlements east and west of the Jordan river began in 1920 and continued all through the '20s, '30s and '40s.
There is not a single Jewish settlement built on stolen Arab land--not one. It was all bought from absentee effendi Arab landlords living in Istanbul, Damascus and Cairo who turned land sales to Jews into a tenant farmer eviction racket. British mandatory government documents in London's Public Record Office quoted in Joan Peters' From Time Immemorial document this thoroughly.
After Khomeini took power Iran no longer bought arms from Israel. It was the Shah's regime that bought Israeli arms until 1979.
"Zionist segregation": Mansour Abbas, the leader of
the Arabs in the Knesset, has said the charge that Israel is an apartheid state is a lie. So did Sophia Khalifa, electrical engineer daughter of an illiterate Bedouin mother and Stanford MBA and thousands of Israeli Arabs, Druze and Bedouins serving in the IDF. Listen to her for 4 minutes.
BTW the two Jews of the car in Brooklyn were speaking Yiddish, not Hebrew. That you don't know the difference speaks to the depths of your ignorance about us.
Though my atheist father spoke it fluently, nowadays it's the Haredi who keep it alive. It's nickname: "German with a sense of humor."
Since everywhere in the Anglosphere, Russia and Ukraine we provide a hugely disproportionate share of the world's successful comedians, here's a one line summary of all of Jewish history and its holidays for the uninitiated such as yourself:
"They tried to kill us, we survived, let's eat."
Jews with less of a sense of humor win Nobel prizes, start tech companies and become doctors, dentists and lawyers to prove to their Jewish mothers that they're finally viable outside their mothers' wombs.