All of whom would be alive if Hamas, that kleptocratic mafia with a green jihadi flag led by luxury living Doha billionaires, had not launched a war with no military objective other than to kill and kidnap as many Jews as sadistically as possible in an orgy of pornogrified livestreamed GoPro-ed violence that saw sons breathlessly calling their fathers celebrating "I killed ten Jews with my own hands today". Even the Nazis tried to hide what Hamas openly celebrates on social media: beheading and burning babies and their mothers alive, beheading a Thai guest worker with a garden hoe because no knife was available, parading naked rape victims through the streets of Gaza to be spat on. The Nazis' violence in the Warsaw ghetto was detached and clinical by comparison.
Once you read Hamas' orders to its terrorists, this outcome was inevitable:
But don't take it from me. Instead of getting your brain washed by jihadis with a human shield business model, listen to Palestinian peace activist Bassam Eid:
"Please do not let Hamas brainwash you into thinking it has achieved anything on our behalf to my Palestinian brothers and sisters and to anyone who supports the Palestinian people I implore you please do not let Hamas brainwash you into thinking it has achieved anything on our behalf it hasn't not in the Gaza Wars of 2021, 2014, 2012 or 2008 each one of these pointless conflicts has been a catastrophe costing us dearly in lives and treasure Hamas is not a social justice movement and it certainly does
not care about the Palestinian people it is a criminal gang that only cares about increasing its own power Israel is not the main cause of your suffering Hamas is the main cause. Israel is not your jailer, Hamas is. It was Hamas that led you into this most recent disaster.
They told you that the Israelis were evicting innocent Palestinians from their homes in the Sheik Jarrah area of East Jerusalem. It is a lie. The people living in those homes weren’t tenants. They were squatters who hadn't paid rent for decades.
They told you that the Israelis plan to destroy the Al-Aqsa mosque this too is a lie. The
mosque is still there it will be there tomorrow. Say what you want about the Israelis they are not stupid they know that if they actually attempt to destroy Al- Aqsa it would lead to war with every Muslim country.
Yes Hamas take actions and thus look strong next to its rival the corrupt Fatah Party but the only action it takes is to lead us into chaos. Hamas has no ability and in fact no desire to govern. The water isn't safe to drink the power goes out for hours at a time, raw sewage washes up on your beaches. The Israelis are not responsible for these
dismal failures. Hamas is and everybody in Gaza knows it.
It is Hamas that steals the imported cement meant to build houses for you and uses it instead to build a massive network of tunnels from which its hopes to terrorize Israelis.
It is Hamas that makes sure humanitarian aid meant for you is diverted to its favored elites who then sell it for a profit on the black market.
It is Hamas that uses you as a human shield stationing rocket launchers and missile arsenals in your apartments, office buildings, schools and even hospitals.
Israel uses rockets to defend its people Hamas uses people to defend its rockets.
As for its war strategy Hamas doesn't have one. It fires missiles at the most highly populated regions of Israel with no specific target. Yet I know from my sources in Gaza that as much as 25% of all rockets launched by Hamas in May 2021 crashed within Gaza. 50 Gaza civilians were killed by these rockets, with their deaths falsely blamed on Israel.
Are you aware of the fact that some of the Hamas missiles that Israeli Defense Forces failed to intercept ended up exploding in places like Jaffa, Nablus and
Lod where Arab Israelis live. Palestinians living in Israel are as likely to be killed as Israelis themselves. Hamas couldn't care less and what was gained Palestinians living in these four buildings in Sheik Jarrah will still eventually be evicted, a fact that has been known to those families since they sold away the title to those buildings. Think about the even greater number of Palestinians who are now homeless in Gaza because Hamas choose to hide weapons in residential buildings.
When naive American and European NGOs offer millions to rebuild Gaza who do you think will get that money? It won't be the people who really deserve it and need it it will be the leaders of the Hamas gang and their friends who will add new rooms to their fancy villas rather than rebuild homes, purchase Corona virus vaccines or provide social services for their people and the peace you so deserve, the peace which could have been possible when Israel withdrew entirely from the Gaza Strip in 2005 will be even further out of reach. Hamas robbed you of that chance when it set up its military gang then it's robbing you of the same chance now no matter how many Jews it managed to kill Hamas will never be satisfied it will never stop lying but you can stop believing its
Under the laws of war, a hospital with a terror HQ under it becomes a military target.
Under the laws of war, it's the combatants using human shields that become the war criminals.
Listen here for the true war criminal:
Listen to the Palestinian woman at the end of this 1 minute video:
War crimes are not a matter of counting bodies, but intent. Hamas shoots Gazans who try to escape south. Listen to the conversation between an Israeli intelligence agent and the Gazan who complained that Hamas had taken his car keys to keep him from evacuating south.
Listen to the conversation between the Gazan dentist and the Israeli targeting agent who spent hours on the phone with the dentist to arrange evacuations of buildings housing Hamas war assets and personnel.
If Israel is genocidal, then it's a very incompetent genocidaire if you look at the population boom Gaza and the West Bank have experienced since 1967. So your Hitler/extermination analogy is way out of line and designed by all anti-semites to merely wound Jews as much as possible. It says more about you than about Jews and Israel. But no surprise there. In the 2014 ADL/Pew Global Attitudes Project survey of 180 countries' anti-semitism Greece was rated the most anti-semitic country in Europe, even ahead of non-European Morocco (69% of respondents).
Your selective outrage and utterly deafening silence about Muslim on Muslim murder in Syria, Darfur, Yemen, Algeria, Nigeria (Boko Haram), Lebanon, Turkish Kurdistan, Syrian Kurdistan and Pakistan's deportation of 2m Afghan refugees proves that this is about Jews, not concern for Palestinians. But the soft bigotry of low expectations defines European attitudes toward Muslim barbarity toward other Muslims.
Hamas has clearly committed all these war crimes as defined by the UN charter:
For the purpose of this Statute, ‘war crimes’ means:
Grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, namely, any of the following acts against persons or property protected under the provisions of the relevant Geneva Convention:
Wilful killing
Torture or inhuman treatment, including biological experiments;
Wilfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health;
Extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly;
Compelling a prisoner of war or other protected person to serve in the forces of a hostile power;
Wilfully depriving a prisoner of war or other protected person of the rights of fair and regular trial;
Unlawful deportation or transfer or unlawful confinement;
Taking of hostages. Other serious violations of the laws and customs applicable in international armed conflict, within the established framework of international law, namely, any of the following acts:
Intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population as such or against individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities;
Intentionally directing attacks against civilian objects, that is, objects which are not military objectives;
Intentionally directing attacks against personnel, installations, material, units or vehicles involved in a humanitarian assistance or peacekeeping mission in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, as long as they are entitled to the protection given to civilians or civilian objects under the international law of armed conflict;
Intentionally launching an attack in the knowledge that such attack will cause incidental loss of life or injury to civilians or damage to civilian objects or widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural environment which would be clearly excessive in relation to the concrete and direct overall military advantage anticipated;
Attacking or bombarding, by whatever means, towns, villages, dwellings or buildings which are undefended and which are not military objectives;
As in Ukraine, the asymmetry is clear:
If Hamas puts down its weapons, the war ends.
If Israel puts down its weapons, Israel ends.
Apparently, the latter outcome, also desired by the vast majority of West Bank Arabs, is what you want.