All good. I'd add these points:
1. Russia is an institutional cross-dresser: Though dressed as a state, it's really Muscovy's 500 year old Trojan horse of kleptocratic commodity extraction empire building.
2. Theft and genocide are features,not bugs of this Mongol tributary empire business model.
3. Serfdom is also a feature, not a bug. It's never abolished, just dressed differently under each Russian regime.
4. #s 1-3 help you answer the fundamental question: can Russia be deimperialized without breakup? Likely no. This is Kasparov's answer, but not Khodorkovsky's, who says be careful of what you wish for.
5. The era of empire demolition begun with the Springtime of Peoples revolutions of 1848, continued in 1918 with the breakup of the Austro-Hungarian, Tsarist and Ottoman empires, will continue.
6. China, Russia and the USA are the last three men left standing. The first two are the Blackberry and Nokia of empire. The USA, with its voluntary alliance network model of empire building, is the iPhone of empire.
7. Label the Russia/Iran/DPRK/Hamas/Hizbullah the Axis of Extermination. China may or may not join, depending on what happens in Taiwan and its bursting real estate bubble-based economy. The Chinese paradox is its economic dependence on the US-designed and maintained global security and financial order that it wants to disrupt.