Al-Husseini was a Hitler and Himmler buddy who went on how-to-exterminate visits to the Nazis' Trebbin concentration camp while collecting a fat monthly salary from the Fuhrer he met on November 28, 1941. Here's the photographic evidence:
Meeting Himmler:,_Gro%C3%9Fmufti_Amin_al_Husseini,_Heinrich_Himmler.jpg
Why is absolutely clear from the German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop's letter of April 28, 1942 promising to destroy the Jewish national home in Palestine and from what Al-Husseini himself said:
1929: "Slaughter Jews whereever you find them. Their spilled blood pleases Allah, our history and religion."
1943: "Muslims should follow the example of Germany had set for a definitive solution to the Jewish problem." Nazi-SS key executioner Dieter Wisliceny stated that Husseini had actively encouraged the extermination of European Jews and that he had visited Auschwitz incognito. He'd been pleased.
Al-Husseini meeting with Muslim volunteers, including the Azerbaijani Legion, at the opening of the Islamic Central Institute in Berlin on 18 December 1942, during the Muslim festival Eid al-Adha.
Bosniak SS 13 division soldiers reading Al-Husseini's pamphlet Islam and Judaism:,_Waffen-SS,_13._Gebirgs-Div._%22Handschar%22.jpg
Nov 1943: Husseini greeting Bosnian SS volunteers next to SS General Karl-Gustav Sauberzweig:,_Amin_al_Husseini_bei_bosnischen_SS-Freiwilligen.jpg
If this man is one of your heroes you've told us exactly who you are.
Al-Husseini was just one part of a larger Nazi-Arab alliance. From Hitler's last will and testament:
"All Islam vibrated at the news of our victories. The Egyptians, the Irakis [sic] and the whole of the Near East were all ready to rise in revolt. Just think what we could have done to help them, even to incite them, as would have been both our duty and in our own interest! But the presence of the Italians at our side paralysed us; it created a feeling of malaise among our Islamic friends."
Palestinians keep choosing the wrong allies, never missing an opportunity to miss an opportunity:
Ally with the Nazis instead of the Allies: Hitler buddy Amin Al-Husseini.
Launch a self-declared “war of extermination” in 1948 when offered a state alongside Israel.
Ally with the genocidal Soviets over democracy in the cold war. The “Palestinian” tactical invention of their national identity was a Soviet “active measure” disinformation operation with the Cairo-born Yasser Arafat a KGB creation.
Ally with the genocidal Saddam Hussein over Kuwait in 1990–91.
Ally with the genocidal Assad in the Syrian civil war.
Entrusting their legal case at the ICJ to South Africa, a failing state whose president is buddy-buddy with the genocidal commander of Sudanese RSF forces in Darfur, the only military force committing rape at a scale that exceeds Hamas.