Actually, Putin Parrot since he fails to see one essential: the moral asymmetry of all wars of aggression. Not defending the invaded country = support for the aggressor. This is the point that the appeasers ot the Nazis Lindbergh and Father Coughlin missed in 1940-41.
"I’m a Putin if I would support one side of the war in Ukraine or another....’m only on the side of peace.....Ukraine should adopt neutrality to stay alive."
This Putin Poodle keeps asking Ukraine to sue for peace, but never Russia to get out of Ukraine, which would end the war. If Russia leaves, the war ends.
And he doesn't apply his neutrality formula to new NATO member Finland or imminent member Sweden. Neither does Russia. This proves NATO expansion and abandoning neutrality have nothing to do with Russia's genocidal war. Russia's Ukraine erasure project is three centuries old, which Putin recognized in portraying himself as the reincarnation of Peter the Great and his "gathering of Russian lands".
"Russia...don't want to be surrounded by NATO countries...isn't that self-determination"--No, Russia has no right to veto the foreign policy decisions of its neighbors. Full stop. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland are now NATO members. How does this imperial definition of Russian self-determination not apply to former Russian provinces Finland and the Baltic States?
Finnish and Baltic States' NATO membership doesn't threaten Russia. Russia's sovereignty stops at Russia's borders. That Mr. Dunn leaves Finland out of the discussion proves this point that the war isn't about NATO or Russia's security concerns. It's fundamentally about regime preservation from the threat of the good example: a rule of law democratic Ukraine prospering next door to Putin's mafia with a flag kleptocracy.
The Russian idea that it has a veto over its near abroad stops at countries without Russian minorities.
The hypothetical Monroe Doctrine analogy to Russia's imperial interventions in its near abroad doesn't apply here.
"vulnerable to attack"--I live in Jurmala, Latvia a three hour drive from the Russian-Estonian border. Pskov is right over that border. The idea that Estonia or Latvia would invade and occupy Pskov is beyond absurd. Tallinn and Riga are to Pskov what San Diego and LA are to Tijuana or Mexicali.
"Russia would have retreated"--When confronted by Wagner mercenaries in Rostov, the Russian army retreated, in some cases with applause.
"better off with Ukraine": All the former Warsaw Pact states know they are. Ukraine now has the third biggest military in Europe, after Russia and Turkiye.
"take Ukraine 17 years to recover its land from Russia"--All opinion surveys in Ukraine show 85%+ in favor of fighting until victory. No Ukrainians want their kids fighting the same war in 10-20 years with a better prepared Russia. Also, with a militarized Crimea occupied by Russia and filled with filtration and prison camps and without the Sea of Azov ports Ukraine doesn't have a viable economy.
Since Russia still insists on Ukraine accepting its annexations, there's nothing to negotiate anyway.
And, of course, Mr. Dunn never, ever mentions Russia's accountability and reparations for war crimes, mass deportations of 1.5m Ukrainians, including 700000 children, torture and castration of prisoners in filtration camps, torture of civilians in those camps.
Strip out Ukraine and Russia and replace them with China and Japan from 1937-45 or Poland vs Germany and the USSR in 1939-41 and you can see what "pro-peace" Putin Parrot neutrality really is.